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Glow Blogs Archive

Christmas at Uphall ELC

Dear Parents/Carers Re: Christmas We have decided that we will have a party week leading up to Christmas. Your child can come dressed in their party clothes any day or every day during week beginning the 14th of December. We will provide lovely activities, party games, festive stories and some lovely party food. Although Santa [...]

P2 December homework

Happy December everyone! We have prepared some December homework for you to try. Please attempt as many tasks as you can and share your journey with us on Seesaw. We understand this is a busy time of year so work through them at your own pace. You could even catch up over the holidays. Library [...]

Reading Practise

Hello! Everyone is working hard on their reading in class. We are still practising our first 100 Fry's Words and our ORT stage words. Here they are to continue to practise at home too. Please feel free to move on to next hundred in Fry's words when you have done the first 100 Keep [...]

A Week in The Hub by Hannah, Ross and Melisa

A week in the hub On Monday the 23rd of November Ross reached his goal on hit the button. He got a brilliant score of 50 and when he got it he was the happiest person in the room because he had been trying and trying but a lot of close attempts the time came [...]

P6H - Book Week

As part of Book Week, P6H took part in an Author's Live session with Joseph Coelho who is a poet. He talked about the writing process, read one of his poems and got the children to write their own.

Good news!

Mrs Sutton would like to share her wonderful news on the safe arrival of baby Leah. Leah was born on the 11th November. Both mum and baby are doing well. We wish them all the happiness and look forward to meeting Leah soon.

This Week in The Hub ......

We have had a raffle ticket winner's lunch (with guests), created nature art, worked co-operatively to design and build an adventure park, found a pumpkin seed growing in one of our plants and rearranged some of the furniture to make our space more open and accessible. We have also created some winter art for our [...]

Self-isolating? Here is the work you'll miss from P3/4- so you can carry on learning at home!

Please click here to access the work and tasks you will be missing if you are self-isolating from P3/4- Miss Hall's class- week commencing 9th November. Self isolating WC 9TH NOV

P5H Procedure Texts in Action!

P5H have been learning all about the structure and purpose of procedure texts. This week we wrote our own procedure texts about following directions. Today we applied our understanding of procedure texts to follow a set of instructions to make firework prints. First we read through the instructions. Then we gathered the materials we would [...]

P6 - Victorians

Both P6 classes took part in a virtual lesson from Museum Services this week all about the Victorians. They learned about a typical Victorian day, looked at a collection of artifacts and clothing and also learned about the types of jobs children would have had to do back then. A very informative session. Thank you [...]

Homework for both P1 classes

Hello, Please find a link for Novembers homework grid. Primary 1 Homework Grid November 2020 Thanks for all of your hard work so far this term P1! Miss Mackay and Mrs McKay

Homework For both P2 Classes

Hi all, Please find attached a new homework grid for the month on November. p2 2020 HOMEWORK TERM 2 (1) Thanks for all of your hard work so far in term 2 Miss Mackay, Miss Anderson and Mrs BP x

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