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Tomorrow's virtual assembly!

Good morning all! Just to let you know that tomorrow Ms MacRae will be doing an online virtual assembly on 'teams'. Now we haven't been using 'teams' (P1-3) but if you have an older sibling you could join in with them! Alternatively, you will be able to view the assembly presentation on the blog, later [...]

P2/3 Thursday 21st May - Money

Thursday 21st May 2020 Money - giving change Money Task 3 - Giving change Money week Giving Change MILD Money week Giving Change SPICY Money week Giving Change HOT As always, any questions, please just ask! Take care, Mrs BP x

Thursday 21st May P3 Home Learning

Good morning P3! Today we are carrying on with our money theme! Reading: Listen to the Max and Ruby story, Bunny Money. Listen carefully to how much money they have and how much they spend. ($1 or one dollar = £1 or one pound). Listen to the story again and make a note of everything [...]

P2- Thursday 21st May

Good Morning Everyone! Hope you managed to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. Maths- Giving Change Money task 3 Reading: Today, listen to the Max and Ruby story, Bunny Money. Listen carefully to how much money they have and how much they spend. ($1 or one dollar = £1 or one pound). Listen to the story [...]

P2/3 Thursday 21st May 2020 - Literacy

Thursday 21st May 2020 Literacy - personal writing Thank you for sending in pictures of your shopping lists, Supermarket Zoo answers and any other money grid work. You're all working very hard in such lovely weather. I hope you had fun in the sunshine yesterday. Reading: Today, listen to the Max and Ruby story, Bunny [...]

Thursday 21st May - Outdoor Classroom Day

Good morning everybody! It is Outdoor Classroom Day 2020 so today we are taking a break from our screens to enjoy the great outdoors! It's a lovely day for it! I have uploaded the learning grid with 9 activities to choose from, you can share what you get up to here on teams or on [...]

P1 Home Learning Thursday 21st.

Good morning everyone, we hope you managed to enjoy a little sunshine yesterday. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy · Foundations of Writing. Three part stories. Your title this week is 'When I was skipping I fell in the mud. Mum washed [...]

P2 and P2/3 - Extra Phonics Support - h

Thursday 21st May 2020 Draw a picture for each of the "h" words below. If you would like to print off and/or read the words in the correct colour for the letter sounds, please click on the link to the document below: 21-05-20 P2-3 Phonics Words to read and draw: hat him ham hit hip [...]

Wednesday 20th May P3 Home Learning

Good morning everyone! Remember the focus this week is ....MONEY!! Numeracy- adding money- check out the strategies you could use here Numeracy lesson Wednesday 20th May 2. Spelling/ Reading/ Phonics- Complete one activity from the carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel 3. Literacy- write a shopping list for your family's next big food shop! Predict how [...]

P2/3 Wednesday 20th May

Good morning! I hope you all enjoyed the money activities yesterday! Today we have some more fun tasks for you all relating to money! I am loving making up a dance to Abba's Money Money Money! Anyone else?! Remember if you have have any work to send us, a wee picture etc please pop a [...]

P2- Wednesday 20th May

Good Morning Everyone! Hope we are enjoying money week so far. Remember, any work you'd like to share this week can be done through the school blog, twitter pages or by e-mailing. Maths- Adding coins Money Task 2 Literacy - creating lists Today, listen to Supermarket Zoo by Caryl Hart and Ed Eaves. [...]

P1 Home Learning Activities Wednesday 20th

Good morning. Here are your activities for today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy Letter formation: E, F, H • Our new sound today is 'igh'. Where is the 'igh' sound made? • Can you think of any words that use the 'igh' sound? • Does the 'igh' sound come at the start, [...]

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