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P5- Tuesday 19th May

Happy Learning P5 Tuesday 19th May


Frozen Home Workout. Take part in this Frozen workout which is sure to warm you up this morning! Mr Blair

P1 (P1L and P1S) Cross Curricular Task

Tuesday 19th May 2020 (Link to a more readable version and templates: 19-05-20 P1 CC task ) This is the only lesson/activity I will upload this week. It is a cross-curricular task that covers a number of subjects - Art, Maths, Technology and Health and Well-being. Task: To design a board game and play it. [...]

P2 and P2/3 Extra Phonics Support

Tuesday 19th May 2020 I can recognise the "h" sound. I can blend words with h in them. Click on the link for a Powerpoint, teaching the "h" sound. 19-05-20 P2-3 Phonics If you cannot access this, there is a Youtube clip, introducing the "h" sound. This will help you revise the "h" sound: Mrs [...]

P6B Work - Tuesday 19th May

19.05.20 P6B Work 19.05.20 Self Isolation Photo

Home Learning

Well done everyone! You are doing a fantastic job home learning. Remember Monday is a holiday. See you all on Tuesday.

P3 Art Gallery

Sorry for the delay folks! I have had problems uploading the video clip! Thank you for all your hard work and submissions! You are amazing!

P2 Art Gallery

Welcome to P2's Art Gallery! Well done for all your hard-work this week, I am super impressed. Click on the link below to look at your fantastic art work. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the video! Miss Swift

P2/3 ART GALLERY Well done for your hard work and creativity this week. We love all the work sent to us and have included a few pieces from everyone who sent in work to our digital video. Can you spot your work? Doesn't it look great! What do you think of your friends' work? Maybe you can [...]

Friday 15th May P3 Home Learning

Good morning! Firstly, thank you for all your Art work! I can see you've all put in lots of effort- well done! Stay tuned on Twitter as I will be releasing our 'online Art Gallery' video clip at 12! Literacy: L.I. To write invitations Write invitations for your family to invite them to [...]

P2- Friday 15th May

Good Morning Everyone! Thank you for all fantastic art work. Looks like many of you have been working super hard on your wonderful creations! We are preparing a digital gallery to showcase your learning which will be available to view on the school blog from 12 noon. Literacy Literacy- Fact file Fact file template Friday [...]

P1 learning activities-Friday 15th May

Happy Friday! We would like you to continue working on your People Who Help Us project this morning and email pictures or video clips so that we can see who you chose to find out about. Feedback Friday: Talk about what you've learned about this week, what went well, what did you find tricky and [...]

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