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Glow Blogs Archive

Primary 2 Homework September and October 2020

Good morning, P2! Please complete as many activities as you can. If you would like, you can complete activities over the October break. We'd love you to share your work with us via Twitter or by e-mail. Thank you for your support. Miss Anderson and Mrs Bennett-Palmer. p2 2020 HOMEWORK TERM 1 Monday 28th

P6H - Map Skills

P6H has been learning about Scottish landscapes and they have been learning how to use different kinds of maps. They have been using ordnance survey maps and using the key to identify different features.

P6H Numeracy

Today we were learning about prime numbers and used Cuisenaire Rods to help us understand the concept. Good work P6H.

All About The Hub

Hannah has made a powerpoint about The Hub. Her technical skills outweigh those of Mrs Sutherland who cannot upload it - however, here are the slides which tell you a little bit more about what we do.

Look at the ELC learning environments that your children experience at Uphall

Dear Parent's We have created a sway presentation to allow you to view our ELC environment. Have a look and your child can tell you their experience within that area. Come and take a look at our ELC Welcome to Uphall Early Learning Centre let us show you around. Go to this Sway Enjoy and [...]

September Break - Free School Meals

Please see the link below for further information on free school meals for the September break.

Staff Introduction

Dear Parents, Carers & Children Please click on the link below and press play to look at our staff introduction presentation. Regards Mrs Lithgow When leaving school I decided to study for my S.N.N.E.B and recently studied to obtain a BA in Childcare & Education. This has allowed me to focus on theory and legislation [...]

Maths, Literacy AND Creativity!

We linked our learning this week, making the most of our school grounds. We went outside to collect leaves and sticks to make some nature art. We measured two of the trees using only a pencil, a measuring stick and our brains! We then used the descriptive bubble and Clicker to write about a picture [...]

Staying Connected!

Over the next week you will receive a phone call from your child's class teacher to give you a brief update on how they have settled. Please contact the office if your key contact number has changed.

New Term Dates

Please visit West Lothian Council website for revised term and holiday dates for session 2020/2021

Numbers in the Environment

Can you think what these numbers are used for? Do you know what an environment is?

Why We Need Numbers

By Skye and Hannah This morning we were using clipboards and following instructions. We were learning about numbers in The Hub and outside. We were learning about why we need numbers. Here are some things we found. Number lines help if we get stuck. Numbers 1 - 12 on the instructions for washing hands. A [...]

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