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P2 and P2/3 Extra Phonics Support

Thursday 25th June 2020 I hope you all have a lovely holiday. Mrs Grenfell

P1 (P1L and P1S) End of term lunch/snack task

Thursday 25th June 2020 Croque Monsieur I thought is might be nice for you to make your own lunch or snack. You will need an adult's help. Croque Monsieur is a toasted sandwich with ham and cheese. It is very popular in cafés across France. Add an egg on top at the end to make [...]

Wednesday 24th June-P3 Home Learning

Good morning everyone! Today, we will be carrying on with our theme of 'Transitions' Literacy : L.I. To edit and improve my letter. Remember you will be handing this letter to your new teacher- so they get to know a bit about you. You want to impress them! So I'd like you to check... [...]

P1 (P1L and P1S)

Wednesday 24th June 2020 Here are two P.E. activities for you today.

P2- Wednesday 24th June

Good Morning P2 This week, we will continue to remember your time spent home learning and look forward to NEW BEGINNINGS. WEEK 12 GRID As it is Wellness Wednesday, please have a look at Mrs Kinnear's Emotion Works slides. These are for the blue cog, Regulation Strategies: Emotion Works week five P123 This weeks activities [...]

Week 12 - P2/3 Wednesday 24th June 2020 - New Beginnings

Monday 22nd June 2020 New Beginnings Well done, you have made it to the middle of the last week of home learning! Thank you to those of you who have e-mailed in your work or questions. This week, we will continue to remember your time spent home learning and look forward to NEW BEGINNINGS. WEEK [...]

P1 learning activities- Wednesday 24th June

Good morning, it's looking like today is going to be warm and sunny. You might manage to complete your tasks outside today. There could be activities from the grids we posted already that you are still working on. Here are some more options for you, including your next Emotion Works lesson from Mrs Kinnear, can [...]

Tuesday 23rd June-P3 Home Learning

Good morning! We will be carrying on with our theme of transitions today! Literacy: L.I. To write my first draft of my letter. Today I would like you to use your notes from yesterday to write up your letter for your next class teacher. Remember to group your notes into paragraphs. Use connectives to add [...]

P2- Tuesday 23rd June

Good Morning P2, Literacy: L.I To write a letter for your new teacher Later this week you will find out who your teacher will be for next year. As you will not be able to meet them until August we will be writing them a letter all about yourself which you can hand to them on [...]

P2 - Yoga (Mermaid Theme)

Week 12 - Tuesday 23rd June 2020 - New Beginnings

Monday 22nd June 2020 New Beginnings Well done, you have made it to the last week of home learning! This week, we will remember your time spent home learning and look forward to NEW BEGINNINGS. WEEK 12 GRID Terrific Tuesday: Please reflect on your learning with this short e-form. Thank you. This is the link: [...]

P1 Learning activities-Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning everyone. We would like you to continue working through the grids posted yesterday. Mrs Grenfell will also post an activity for you for today. We're back in school working today again, so might not be able to answer questions or reply to blog comments as quickly as we normally would. Have a good [...]

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