Glow Blogs Archive
Let Music With NYCOS Brighten Up Today!
Hello everyone Enjoy some singing today, have fun! Regards Mrs Lithgow
Wednesday 10th June P3 Home Learning
Good morning everyone! Today we will be carrying on with our Sports theme! Stay tuned on Twitter or the blog to see the next 'Sports Day' event! Remember to keep score of your points! Literacy Complete your daily fitness diary. L.I. To identify the key features of a WAGOLL Yesterday you should have researched a [...]
Good morning. Today's activities are the sock and spoon race and toilet roll squat, courtesy of Mrs McKay, Mrs BP and Ms MacRae. Please watch their videos to find out the instructions. Record your score on your score card and submit the completed card at the end of the week on Friday. I have attached [...]
P1 HWB- 10th June
Good morning everyone, hope you are ready for 2 more sports activities-there might be someone you recognise demonstrating one of the races today! The weather isn't as nice today so you might have to complete your challenges indoors. Have fun! Mrs McKay and Miss Mackay
P2/3 Wednesday 10th June
Good Morning! I hope that you are all enjoying sports week. The weather in not that great at the moment but hopefully it will get better throughout the day. Mr Blair will once again be posting the sports challenges for today so keep your eyes peeled for that. Here are today's tasks: choose one or [...]
P2-Wednesday 10th June
Good morning, P2 I hope you are enjoying SPORTS WEEK and keeping up with your fitness diaries. Literacy L.I: To understand a text SC: I can find key words or phrases about athletes. SC: I can demonstrate I understand questions about athletes. Today I would like you to read the following slides about two Scottish [...]
P2/3 Wednesday 10th June 2020 - Literacy - Scottish Athletes
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 Literacy - reading for information/comprehension Good morning, P2/3. I hope are enjoying SPORTS WEEK and are managing to enter all your fitness activities into your fitness diary. If you have any questions, please just ask! Reading: L.I: To understand a text SC: I can find key words or phrases about athletes. [...]
P2 and P2/3 - Extra Phonics Support - u sound
Wednesday 10th June 2020 Read each of these words and draw a picture for them: fun bun sun cut bus nut tub pup cup bug hug Mrs Grenfell
Wednesday 10th June Good morning. I am not setting you a P.E task this week as it is Sports Week. Join in with Mr. Blair's activities and remember to keep score and send in your results. Enjoy and good luck. Mrs Grenfell
Scottish Book Trust: Authors Video
Dear Parent/carer We all love to read and share a story. I've been watching Emily MacKenzie draw her famous character Granville and I thought that you might want to give it a try! You can watch the Authors Live video by following the link below. Have fun and enjoy. Regards Mrs Lithgow
P1-Health and Wellbeing
Good morning everyone, Mr Blair has posted your next 2 activities for sports week. We hope you had fun yesterday and have a super day today. Mrs Grenfell has posted your art task too. Mrs McKay and Miss Mackay
P2- Tuesday 9th June
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you enjoyed your first day of sports week. Mr Blair has some new tasks for you to try today. Here are today's other tasks. Choose one or 2 from the grid. The-olympics-choice-board1 Health and Wellbeing Emotion works red Cog this week. Emotion Works week three P1 Maths - Time Tasks [...]