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Friday 8th May P3 home learning

Good morning P3! So today is VE day, which marks 75 years since the end of fighting in World War II. For this I'd like you to... - Do the 2 minutes silence at 11 to remember those lost their lives. - Research VE day celebrations here - Find out how your family were involved [...]

P2/3 Friday 8th May

Good morning P2/3. Today we have online safety, optional digital learning grids, the daily draw and a little VE day task. Think You Know (posted on Wednesday) Digital learning grid (optional) DT Grid - First Level DT Grid Early Level The Daily Draw Each day a new word will be posted (here and to Twitter) [...]

P1 Home Learning 8th of May

Happy Friday! Well done for another week of home learning. Here is what we would like you to do today. Literacy: • Dictation (adult to read sentences for child to write down). This cat has a nap on top of the bin. Hens can sit on nests. The bad cat sits in the bag. Fairy [...]

P5 - Friday 8th May

Morning P5 - Enjoy today's learning VE day

P6B Friday

HWB - Blinding Lights Dance Challenge. Record and upload your best attempt with family or just on your own. I will upload my attempt too if enough of you get involved! Use the audio and dance moves from this clip - Post your video reply in the comments! Trust me it is harder than [...]

Quick Tips for Parents

Check out these fantastic clips with great, realistic tips on supporting your child through this challenging period from 'Triple P' - Positive Parenting Programme.

P6B Work - Friday 8th May: 75th Anniversary of VE Day

08.05.20 P6 Work Small letters 5 - y

Great Science Share Week 1

Great Science Share Week 1 International Dawn Chorus Day is held annually on the first Sunday in May, when people are encouraged to get up early to listen to bird song. Be inspired to take time to listen to wildlife sounds around you throughout the week. Things to think about: What time of day do [...]

Supporting Language Development

Summer Talk Here are some ideas for supporting language development at home. Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Grenfell Support for Learning Department

Supporting Speech and Language Development

Good afternoon Here are some resources and information for families to help support with speech and language development. Misunderstood Speech and Language Therapy Helpline

Supporting Literacy Development

Dear Families Here are some links to websites which you may find useful in supporting your child's Literacy development. We hope that you find them helpful. Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Grenfell SfL Department • Free access to games during Coronavirus situation • Free access during Coronavirus situation • Free audio books • [...]

Uphall Early Learning Centre Continue to Explore Spring!

Sway Uphall Early Learning Centre Hello to all our friends from Uphall Early Learning Centre I hope that you are all well, all your teachers are keeping well. We have been exploring spring and when the children are with us they find it fascinating when they find a bug, a flower or see an animal. [...]

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