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Glow Blogs Archive

P3 / 2 Weather and Seasons

We have been learning about different climate zones across the world, we live in a temperate climate which means we have changeable weather. We explored the seasons using sensory bottles to see how the weather changes through the year and how this effects our natural environment.

P3 / 2 Climates

Primary 3/2 are learning about why animals choose to live in certain climates. We explored different types of habitats to determine which animals would choose to live their and why.

P6 Health and Well-being: Den Building

For part of our outdoor learning this week both P6 classes worked together. The children created groups of four and were then paired with another group of four. They had to select 1 group leader who would be in charge of collecting the resources. Each group was set the task of building a den using [...]

P6S Health and Well-being: Mini Den Building

For our outdoor learning this week the class were set the task of building mini dens. The dens had to fit a little plastic figure and have a doorway for the figure to move in and out of the den. For this challenge we worked in pairs and used the resources available in our school [...]

P6S - Health and Wellbeing: Den Building

For our outdoor learning this week P6S were set the task of building a den. The den had to accommodate everyone in the group and they only had twenty minutes to complete the challenge. The class worked collaboratively in groups of four and used the equipment available. They were very proud of their achievements. Some [...]

West Lothian Battalion of The Boys' Brigade Fun Day 25th September

On Saturday 25th September 2021, the West Lothian Battalion of The Boys' Brigade will be hosting a free family fun day in conjunction with West Lothian Division of The Girls' Brigade. This is a means of restarting youth work in West Lothian for both the organisations in a manner where young people can come together [...]

P6H - Mini Den Building

For our outdoor learning this week we were set the task of building mini dens for a little character that we had. We worked in pairs and used the resources available to us in our school orchard. It was great fun being creative and using our problem solving skills.

P6S - Building Instructions for a Better World

This week P6S participated in the Lego Build the Change workshop entitled Building Instructions for a Better World. The LEGO Group will be at a very special environmental event in November this year and they want to use the event to get children's thoughts, dreams and ideas in front of important people. Leaders from around [...]

TTRockstars Launch

This week in the school, we are launching Times Tables Rockstars. Times tables as well as addition, subtraction and division facts are the building blocks for many more complicated calculations. Times Tables Rock Stars is a scheme, supported by web and mobile apps, which promotes the learning of times table facts in a fun and [...]

P3/2 Friendship Garden

The children have been discussing all aspects of friendship and how to be kind and good friends. The children have made a beautiful friendship garden to demonstrate their understanding.

Observing the weather with P3/2

P3/2 have been observing the weather over the last couple of weeks. This week we looked at how the weather changes with our seasons and how this affects how things grow. Here are some fabulous season umbrellas the children made to demonstrate their understanding.

P6H - What is the Product of 18?

This week we have been focussing on multiplying whole numbers and on Friday we were learning all about products of numbers. We used cuisennaire rods to help us understand the concept and to work out the pairs of numbers.

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