Glow Blogs Archive
SU Light Club Online Event
Light club : As Light Club is unable to run in the school at the moment Scripture Union are offering an online Club as an alternative. Please see message below if your child would like to join. SU group online is an SU online event for children in P5-P7. It will take place weekly on [...]
Winter Ideas
Dear Families Please find a sway attached giving you some winter ideas to try at home. Winter ideas to try at home with your child. Winter is a great time to make your own home made soup! Here is a simple recipe you could try at home with your family for your own Tomato Soup. [...]
The Colour Monster Sway
Dear Families We started to learn about the 'Colour Monster' story before Christmas and the children were keen to learn more about the monsters in the story. Please find a sway presenting the book and some lovely activities that link in with the story. Follow the link below, press play or swipe through the sway. [...]
Peep Update
Dear Families Many thanks for completing the Eform regarding our PEEP sessions starting next week. If you have not completed it you still have time. We have had a fantastic response therefore we can run three sessions per week. You will receive an email confirming the session that you are registered to attend along with [...]
Fun Learning Sway
Dear Families Please find a sway attached that has three lovely fun activities within it for you to share with your child. Click on the sway below and select play. Uphall Early Learning Activities Welcome to our first week of activities at home Go to this Sway Have fun! Regards Uphall ELC
Dear Parents/Carers Please find attached an invitation for you to join our peep sessions. These sessions will help us keep in touch with each other. They are full of fun and each session will consist of a song, story and an activity. Please let us know if you can join us. Regards Uphall ELC PEEP [...]
The Great Uphall Elf Hunt 2020
December Newsletter
Please find below a copy of the December School newsletter that was issued On Thursday 3rd December. Uphall PS December Newsletter
Let it Snow .....
The children (and staff!) from The Hub were delighted to be out in the snow this morning. We played noughts and crosses, practised our spelling, developed our vocabulary and had a science lesson on the properties of ice! We had the crackling fire on the smart board to make us feel a bit cosier [...]
Christmas Cards
Dear Parents/Carers I would like to inform you that unfortunately we are unable to receive Christmas cards or hand cards out for you this year. If you would like to share your Christmas greetings please feel free to upload your message on your child's learning journal or a photo of your child holding the card [...]
P6 Victorian Toys
We have been learning all about Victorian toys and had a go at making our own Jack in the boxes and toy soldiers. We used a cutting and folding technique to make the spring for inside the boxes.
Homework grid for all of P1 for December.
Hi Everyone, Can you believe that we are almost at the end of the second term of P1?! We have had a brilliant term and the children have taken part in lots of fantastic learning experiences. Attached is a new homework grid for December. Please remember to pick and choose, and adapt to fit your [...]