Glow Blogs Archive
Return to School Update
Dear Parent /Carer We hope that you and your family have managed to have a good holiday and that your child is excited about coming back to school. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone soon. Here is a brief update on what communication you can expect in the lead up to your child's return [...]
Last Virtual Assembly 26/6/20
Today was our last virtual assembly of the session. We said a final farewell to our P7s, celebrated everyone's hard work over the past few months and wished everyone a FANTASTIC SUMMER holiday! VIRTUAL ASSEMBLY 26.6.20 TWITTER
P1 and P7 Buddies
At our last assembly of this session, we took time to celebrate the strong relationships built up between our P7 Leavers and their P1 Buddies of the past year. Well done to our P7s who have been fantastic in this role.
If you would like to do some more work over the summer holidays (a little bit now and then is a good idea but you do not have to) here are some useful websites and resources... Websites: I HAVE SET YOU NEW SUMDOG CHALLENGES FOR MATHS/SPELLING AND GRAMMAR [...]
Friday 26th June- P3 Home Learning
Well this is our last day of home learning as we break up for the summer holidays! I hope you have lots of fun and stay safe! You all deserve a rest but I will be posting another blog post with some work and useful websites should you wish to do any work over the [...]
P1 message Friday 26th June
Good morning everyone, we have made it to the end of term and the end of Primary 1, there is another virtual assembly on TEAMS for P4-7 at 10am, hopefully some of you will be able to join in with your older siblings. We have loved teaching you all this year, getting to know [...]
P2- Friday 26th June- Happy Last Day
Good Morning Everyone! Wow, can you believe it is the last day in Primary 2. I am so proud of you all for your fantastic effort and hard work this year. I would like to say a huge thank to our wonderful parents and carers for their amazing support, particularly over the last 12 weeks. [...]
P2/3 Friday 26th June 2020 - Goodbye for now...
Friday 26th June 2020 WEEK 12 GRID Well, we all made it! A HUGE well done and thank you to all you busy bees, along with parents and carers, who took on so much learning from home. You are all stars and did an amazing job! We have enjoyed reading your e-mails, blog comments and [...]
Have a fantastic summer and we will see you all next term!
Hello Everyone We have many fond memories of the time that we spent together at Uphall Early Learning Centre as well as the contact that you have made with us during the past few months. We have been looking through all the photo's that we have taken this year and it is amazing to see [...]
Thursday 25th June- P3 Home Learning
Good morning! Today we will be carrying on with our theme of 'transitions'! Literacy: L.I. To write my final draft of my letter. Including all the edits and improvements you made to your letter yesterday it is now time to write your final draft in your neatest, joined handwriting. Remember to bring this to [...]
P2- Thursday 25th June
Good morning P2 It's looking like today is going to be warm and sunny. Literacy: L.I. To write a letter for your new teacher. Today I would like you to use your notes from Tuesday to write up your letter for your next class teacher. Use connectives to add detail and extend your sentences. Remember [...]
P1 Home Learning-Thursday 25th June
Good morning everyone, it's looking like today is going to be hot and sunny. Here are some more activities you can choose from. Have fun! Even more non-screen activities from Pobble