Glow Blogs Archive
P1 (P1l and P1S)
Thursday 4th June 2020 Good morning. I was going to get you to complete an outdoor task today. I obviously had not checked the weather forecast properly so I have an indoor activity for you to do instead. Click on the link below to take part in a virtual tour of the Natural History Museum [...]
P1 Art Work
Good morning, P1. Once again, I am delighted to see your artwork. I am really impressed with your flip flops. Mrs Grenfell
P2 and P2/3 Extra Phonics Support - o
Thursday 4th June 2020 Good morning Click on the file below for an activity to practise reading words with " o " sound in them. 03-06-20 P2-3 Phonics o sound Games Here is a game to practise the " o " sound: phase 2 - o or play a game of I-Spy. Mrs [...]
Planting sunflower seeds-P1
planting sunflower seeds Have a look at the pictures I took when we planted sunflower seeds at home. They might help you to write your instructions for planting a seed. (Keep them simple though). This is the format we would have used if we were at school. [...]
P2- Thursday 4th June
Good Morning Everyone! Please see below for today's tasks Literacy - listening to, and reading, rhyming words You're all working very hard and I'm sure you're looking forward to making some Samba music this evening. Listening/reading: L.I: To recognise rhyming words Listen to the traditional song, Katie Bairdie. I'm sure you've heard it before. Listen [...]
P1 Home Learning Thursday 4th June
Good morning everyone. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy Writing a set of instructions · We would like you to write your own set of instructions for planting seeds You should use words like first, then, next and finally at the start [...]
Thursday 4th May P3 Home Learning
This week's theme is MUSIC! Literacy: L.I. To write your own musical review Choose your favourite piece of music and write a review about it. Remember to write in clear, full sentences with capital letters and full stops! If you are being expressive include an exclamation mark! Include: -Artist Name and title of song -Why [...]
P2/3 Thursday 4th June 2020 - Literacy - Rhyming words and Maths - Fractions
Thursday 4th June 2020 Literacy - listening to, and reading, rhyming words You're all working very hard and I'm sure you're looking forward to making some Samba music this evening. Listening/reading: L.I: To recognise rhyming words Listen to the traditional song, Katie Bairdie. I'm sure you've heard it before. Listen specifically for the rhyming words. [...]
Wednesday 3rd June P3 Home Learning
This week's theme is MUSIC! Literacy: L.I. To use commas to write in a list Refresh your brain about how we write lists using commas, click here: Practise using this fun quiz! Click here: T2-E-456-Using-Commas-to-Separate-Items-in-a-List-SPaG-Punctuation-Powerpoint-Quiz Now listen and watch to this piece of music and make of list (in a sentence, using commas) of all [...]
P1 (P1L and P1S) P.E
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 Good morning. I hope everyone is well. Sadly the weather is not good so here is a P.E. activity to complete indoors. Mrs Grenfell
P2/3 Wednesday 3rd June
Good Morning! I hope you are all doing well this week. I am enjoying the song on the samba project. How is your instruments coming on? Check it out to see the next task. Music - Doorstep Samba Project June is the month for the wildlife trust Random acts of wildness challenges 30 days [...]
P2- Wednesday 3rd June
Good Morning Everyone! Here are today's activities Reading/Writing: L.I: To write expressively about a piece of music Today in literacy, I would like you to listen to a piece of music then think, discuss and write about how this makes you feel. This is called listen and respond. Listen to a song by the Scottish band, Runrig. Ideas: [...]