P5's Fairtrade Coffee Morning
This term both P5 classes have been learning all about Fairtrade. To celebrate and share our learning with our families and carers, we organised a Fairtrade Coffee Morning.
The pupils in P5R wrote and delivered some letters to our local Co-op telling them about our coffee morning. The Co-op very kindly donated some Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits and they displayed the letters in store. One very kind customer saw our letters and donated some more Fairtrade goods for our Fairtrade coffee morning!
The week of our coffee morning, a group of P5s went on a shopping trip to the Co-op to buy all the things we needed. We found lots of items with the Fairtrade logo and we really impressed our teacher with our budgeting skills!
We were very excited when we saw our letters on display!
After we had all of our supplies, some of us put our baking skills to the test and made some delicious, Fairtrade crispy cakes.
On Friday 14th December, it was finally time for our Fairtrade Coffee Morning. We were overwhelmed with the turnout and by kind family members who had also baked some fairtrade treats for us all to eat! Thank you so much to everyone that came along, we hope you enjoyed!