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Week 3 - Literacy P2/3, Postcards (part 1 of 3)

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Hello P2/3.  Welcome back to the blog!  You will find Literacy lessons here Wednesday to Friday.

I hope you all had a lovely holiday and have been managing to check Twitter.  I’ve written you a postcard to let you know what I’ve been up to.  Please read it then answer the questions using the link. This will take you to a short questionnaire.  Thank you.

2020_4_19_147053_22_37_Postcard Home Learning Week 3

Remember you can pick up lunches from Kirkhill PS.  I’ll also be posting on Twitter.  Any questions, please just ask!

Love, Mrs BP x

Functional writing – postcard

LI –          to show an understanding of the key features of functional writing.

SC –        I know the main features of a postcard.

I know who the postcard is to and from.

I can read for information to find at least one fact within the postcard.


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