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Monday 27th April P3 Home Learning

Good morning P3!

We are going to have a bit of a change this week and focus on having less time on the computer -‘REDUCE SCREEN TIME WEEK’.

We will then get your feedback at the end of the week so you can tell us how you found doing the home learning in this way.

Literacy- Write your final draft of your piece of writing we started last week. Remember to include all edits and corrections. Write it up in your neatest, joined handwriting. If you would like you could take a picture and then share this with me on Twitter (with an adult’s permission) @MissH55023156, remember- do not write your name on the post- I will recognise your handwriting and name of your parent.

L.I. To write my final draft.

Success Criteria

I can write up my final draft in neat, joined handwriting.

I can remember to include all my edits and corrections.

Numeracy- Starter- create a fitness routine which enables you to practise your times tables (e.g. count in 3’s and do one exercise, count in 4’s and do another etc).

Today’s Maths challenge!

Using natural materials or concrete objects around the house, Can you make an array and write the corresponding multiplication and division calculations? How many arrays can you build? Check out my array here ….natural arrays

LI- To build, describe and count an array

Success Criteria

I can build an arrays using concrete materials

I can write the multiplication calculations for each array.

I can write the division calculations for each array.

I can count the total amount in each array.


Choose an activity from the grid- this week’s focus is outdoor learning…General task grid week 4

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