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Thursday 7th May P3 Home Learning

Good morning P3!

Firstly, I hope you are all remembering to do your PE lessons every morning with #pewithjoe !?

Here is  a reminder to do your online safety work! You can find the information here

There are 4 home activities packs for you to work through at your own pace but try to complete them all by Friday.

If you have any problems then please let me know!

Fun challenge!

Make an obstacle course in your garden or house.


Predict how long you think it’ll take you to complete.

Time how long it takes you to do it. Was your prediction correct?

Who is the fastest in your household? Can you beat your time? How can you complete it more efficiently? Look in a dictionary and find out what efficiently means!

Remember be safe! Ask an adult to use things for your obstacle course.

Take a picture and post on Twitter! I’d love to see what you build!

Can you draw a picture of your dream obstacle course if you could build anything!?

Here is mine!

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