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Wednesday 13th May P3 Home Learning


  1. Complete one activity from the Reading/ Phonics Carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel


  1. Literacy- L.I. To write a fact-file about your chosen artist.


Use your notes from yesterday to produce your own fact-file about your chosen artist! Remember it should look a bit like the WAGOLL.


-A title


– To write in complete sentences with a capital letter at the start and full stop at the end.

– To organise your writing into paragraphs (at least 2).

– To incorporate some different sentence openers.

– To draw a picture of your chosen artist.

– To write in neat, joined handwriting.

3. Maths- L.I. To create a tessellating pattern.

Tessellating patterns are a pattern of shapes that fit perfectly together! A Tessellation (or Tiling) is when we cover a surface with a pattern of flat shapes so that there are no overlaps or gaps. Can you create your own tessellating pattern?


4. Afternoon activity: complete a task from the Art grid.First-Level-Art-Skills (1)

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