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P2- Wednesday 20th May

Good Morning Everyone!

Hope we are enjoying money week so far.

Remember, any work you’d like to share this week can be done through the school blog, twitter pages or by e-mailing.

Maths- Adding coins 

Money Task 2

Literacy – creating lists


Today, listen to Supermarket Zoo by Caryl Hart and Ed Eaves.

Answer the following questions by telling someone your answers or by writing them down in your jotter/on paper/use the template.

  1. How many monkeys, giraffes and parrots does mum and Albie buy at the supermarket?  Add up the total.
  2. If you were Albie, what would you have bought at the supermarket? Why?  (use ‘because’ to explain).
  3. If I were Albie’s mum and I used headings on my shopping list, I’d have monkeys, giraffes, lizards, tortoises, lions and parrots under the ANIMALS heading; and I’d have hay, lion food, vegetables, fruits and nuts under the FOOD heading.
  4. Write a shopping list of things you would like from the shops. Can you write the price for each items (real or made up) and add up your total?

*   Challenge: Can you use headings and sub-headings to group items on your list?  You might         want to use TOYS, FOOD, DRINK, SCHOOL STUFF as headings for your items.

blank shopping lists

Food shop with headings

You can also choose from any of the activities on the weekly money grid.

General task grid MONEY

Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Swift

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