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Monday 25th May P3 Home Learning

Hola amigos! Bonjour! Ca va? What’s the theme this week? That’s right! You’ve guessed it! Languages and Travel!

  1. Literacy

Imagine you could go on holiday anywhere! Where would you go? Who would you go with? What would you do? Pretend to write a postcard from your dream location. Try to include some Spanish or French words. Look at our example here: Postcard from Spain

Please note! This is pretend- we are NOT currently on holiday! We can dream though!

2. Numeracy- Data Handling

Can you collate data about people’s favourite travel destination? Can you represent this in a tally chart? See here: Maths-challenge 1

Comment on the blog your favourite travel destination and then we can all use that information for our tally chat.

3.Phonics/ Reading/Spelling

Complete one activity from the carousel each day! Spelling phonicsreading carousel

  • Languages Activity

Complete one language challenge. You can choose from either the French or Spanish challenge sheet!


the_great_spanish_language_challenge (1)

  • Emotion Works

We revisited Emotion Works in assembly last Friday. This week’s task is about ‘Emotion words’ see here: Emotion Works week one P123


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