Wednesday 27th May P3 Home Learning
- Literacy
L.I. To write your first draft.
Today I’d like you to write your first draft of your travel story where you will pretend to visit your dream location. In this story I would like you to add some basic phrases (e.g. French or Spanish) that you have learnt in your home learning. Make sure you include…
- A variety of sentence openers
- Speech (remember new speaker=new line)
- Some basic French/Spanish phrases- why not try
- Use of a variety of words for ‘said’
Things to include…
Where will you go?
How will you get there?
Who will you go with?
What will you do?
Numeracy: Block graphs- click here: blockgraphs
- Phonics/ Reading/ Spelling: Complete one activity from the carousel, click here: Spelling phonicsreading carousel
- Languages: Pick and complete one challenge from the Spanish or French challenge sheet.
Click here:the_great_french_language_challenge