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Wednesday 3rd June P3 Home Learning

This week’s theme is MUSIC!

Literacy: L.I. To use commas to write in a list

Refresh your brain about how we write lists using commas, click here:

Practise using this fun quiz! Click here: T2-E-456-Using-Commas-to-Separate-Items-in-a-List-SPaG-Punctuation-Powerpoint-Quiz

Now listen and watch to this piece of music and make of list (in a sentence, using commas) of all the musical instruments you can see and hear!

Maths: Finding a fraction of an amount, click here:Introduction to Fractions of Amounts PowerPoint Remember we drew arrays to help us to find fraction of amounts…

I shared 6 dots into 3 equal groups because I want to find a third. Then I just count up how much is in one circle to tell me one third. 1/3 of 6=2. I could find out 2 thirds by adding 2 circles, 2/3 of 6=4.

Complete the following



  1. ½ of 10
  2. 1/3 of 15
  3. ¼ of 20
  4. 1/5 of 20
  5. ½ of 14



  1. 2/4 of 20
  2. 2/3 of 15
  3. 3/5 of 15
  4. ¾ of 20
  5. ½ of 50 ( think of alternative way to solve than drawing an array)



Hot (you will not be able to draw arrays to solve these, you will have to use your times tables (remember the inverse relationship between multiplication and division) and/or draw dienes)


  1. ½ of 70
  2. 2/5 of 40
  3. 2/3 of 180
  4. ¾ of 100
  5. 2/4 of 80 (what is 2/4 the same as?)

Musical Maths: Try this fun Musical Maths challenge! Click here:Musical Maths!


Spelling/ Reading/ Phonics: complete one activity from the carousel, click here: Spelling phonicsreading carousel


Afternoon work: This week we will be working towards joining in the ‘Door step Samba Challenge’ on Thursday evening. You can find all the details here Today I would like you to make your own Maracas and practise playing one of the samba rhythms on your Maracas!

*Please note that this week I am working in one of the school hubs and will be unable to comment on the blog throughout the day. I will still enjoy seeing pictures of your work on Twitter though! J













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