P2 Reading Acitvities
Good morning!
I hope that you are all enjoying being back at school as much as we are! It has been a very busy few weeks with lots of new things happening and routines. We are delighted with how well you have all settled in and the effort and attitude that you have applied to your daily tasks.
During P1 you would have been practising reading key words and reading a book each week. Due to the current situation we cannot send books home so we have set up an online reading account for you to access our ORT books. Please check out the PDF below and follow the instructions to access the free ebooks. There is a short test to do with an adult to figure out which stage/level is best for you – if in doubt start on stage 1. Please feel free to comment below or email the school if you have any questions.
We have also included the first 100 words on a PDF for you to practise at home. These were covered in P1. Start on the first column and progress to the next column when you know them well.
Thank you so much everyone for your super effort so far!
Miss Anderson and Mrs BP