Lendrick Muir - Day 2 - 28.2.23
We got up, dressed, showered and down for breakfast at 8:30am. Breakfast was delicious and we first had a choice of cereal followed by toast with jam or butter. We washed it down with some apple or orange juice. Everyone enjoyed the toast and asked for more.
The morning activities started at 10am and we all split into our groups to do different activities. Activities today included King Swing, Archery, Bushcraft, Footgolf and Learning for Sustainability.
The groups who took part in King Swing loved it. Two of us were attached to a harness and the rest of the group pulled the rope to hoist them higher into the air. When we felt comfortable enough, we shouted to stop pulling as it had reached high enough. One (or both) of us pulled a blue rope which released the cable and we swung from high in the air. It was brilliant! Lots of us smashed personal challenges and even managed to go a bit higher on the second turn!
Some groups had an Archery experience and if we’d played Archery Tag the day before, we were feeling quite confident at loading and shooting arrows! We then played some games with the arrows and it turned into a competition!
The groups who took part in the ‘Learning for Sustainability’ first went a nature walk in the woods, looking for items around the forest floor that were interesting or unusual. Some learning took place about the word sustainability and what it means to have a circular economy. The instructors then gave out challenge cards to build mini villages on the forest floor with items found. We had to think about how each village could live sustainable (food sources, business etc) and then we took a tour around every group’s village. It was only then that disaster struck, some of the villages were threatened with a floor or landslide. We quickly went back and built/thought about ways to defend and survive this. It was lots of fun.
Dinner was great, we had pizza or macaroni followed by oreo cheesecake. Everyone is enjoying the food and more clean plates.
After dinner we put on our party clothes and came downstairs for the cheesy disco. DJ McGowan made sure all the best music was played and there were lots of party games to win sweets throughout the night.
We then had supper and went back to start packing and preparing our rooms for leaving tomorrow. Suitcases are to be dropped off before breakfast so we have lots to do!
Goodnight from Lendrick Muir!