We have been learning how to speak French and learning about Europe for the Euroquiz. We have been learning about bats and learned they have fingers and eat 3000 insects a day. In Numeracy we have been dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We made a timeline as part of our transition for the High [...]
In primary 5 we have been using cursive handwriting. For our Maths we have been learning how to tell the time. Our PE lessons have been playing volley ball. Our literacy lessons have been all about explanation writing and we have explained how a volcano erupts. We are finishing off our natural disasters topic. In [...]
We have learning how to code using Microbits and made flashing hearts and a rock, paper, scissors game. We have also learned about Egypt and how mummies are made. In writing we wrote a diary entry for the High School. We have learned food items and school items in French. For our Maths we have [...]