- Welcome to Uphall Primary School
- Pupil Zone
Parent Zone
- Education Services Information
School Blog
- P5's Fairtrade Coffee Morning
- P5 Christmas Party
- P6H January Sales
- P6H - The Digestive System
- P5H are learning about 3D Shapes
- Pancake Day !
- P5H World Book Day
- P6H Outdoor PE
- P6H Computer Programming
- P6H - Teeth Exploration
- P2B French
- P5 Trip to Glasgow Science Centre
- Screen Printing in P6B
- P7 Maths Challenge Awards
- Lendrick Muir - Day 1
- Lendrick Muir Day 2
- Bonfire and Firework Safety
- P7/6 - Term 2
- P7 - Term 2
- P4 - Term 2
- P6 - Term 2
- P5 - Term 2
- Primary 4 - Learning Update
- Primary 6 - Learning Update
- Primary 7 - Learning Update
- Primary 7/6 Learning Update
- Primary 5 Learning Update
- Santa Claus is coming to Uphall
- Parent Council
- School Events
- Parental Consultations
- School Newsletters
- Winter Ready
- Important Updates
- Early Years Centre