School Uniform
We have a school uniform which we encourage children to wear.
Uphall Primary School Uniform
The badge on our uniform represents our local history. Uphall takes it's name from the Scots Gaelic word for apple; ubhal and sits near the site of a long-forgotten 12th century castle. Uphall later became famous for the mining of shale oil. The smiley face emoji captures our ethos where we believe happy pupils succeed.
The Uniform
Purple sweatshirts/cardigans (P1-6)
Black sweatshirts/cardigans (P7)
White/Purple polo shirts
Spirit of Scotland kilt/pinnafore
Black Trousers/Skirts/Shirts (No jeans or leggings)
Tartan ties
Purple fleece jackets
Purple reversible jackets
All are available to order at certain points in the year from the office.
Children are also required to have an indoor gym kit of T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes, as well as an outdoor gym kit with a tracksuit, T-shirt, trainers and a waterproof jacket.
Children should not wear jewellery to school in case they have an accident or in case the jewellery is lost. Jewellery including earrings must not be worn during PE classes.
We ask that children wear completely black shoes with visible no logos.