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There is now a Young Scot app which can be downloaded to the young person's phone at The Young Scot card can then be linked to the app to take advantage of exciting features including: *The ability to order a replacement Young Scot National Entitlement Card through the app for anyone over the [...]
We have been learning how to speak French and learning about Europe for the Euroquiz. We have been learning about bats and learned they have fingers and eat 3000 insects a day. In Numeracy we have been dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We made a timeline as part of our transition for the High [...]
In primary 5 we have been using cursive handwriting. For our Maths we have been learning how to tell the time. Our PE lessons have been playing volley ball. Our literacy lessons have been all about explanation writing and we have explained how a volcano erupts. We are finishing off our natural disasters topic. In [...]
We have learning how to code using Microbits and made flashing hearts and a rock, paper, scissors game. We have also learned about Egypt and how mummies are made. In writing we wrote a diary entry for the High School. We have learned food items and school items in French. For our Maths we have [...]
In our indoor PE we have been doing gymnastics and for our outdoor we have been playing rounders. For our topic we have been learning about Europe for the Euroquiz and making posters. In Maths and our Number Talks we are learning our multiplication and division strategies. We have been writing explanation texts and we [...]
In Primary 4 we have learning how to say the weather in French. In our topic we have been learning about where the Vikings came from. In writing we have been writing poems. We have been practising our hockey skills in our outdoor PE and bench ball indoors. Written by the Pupil Digital Leadership Group
For writing we have been doing response writing and writing about Van Gogh. In PE we have started a new block on gymnastics. We have been practising our Maths using Roman Numerals. We learned a new number talks strategy called proportional representation and we use this when we divide. Our new history topic is Egypt [...]
In Maths we have been learning the short method for multiplication. Our PE topic this term is volleyball and so far we have been practising some of the throws. For writing we have been writing about Pompeii. We have been practising for our class assembly which is coming up next Friday and is going to [...]
In Number Talks we have been learning new strategies for when we calculate times table questions and division. Our text book work has also been to work on our tables and division. We have started a block of gymnastics in PE. For our topic we have been learning about Europe to help us prepare for [...]
For the New Year we have been learning about Europe for the Euroquiz. In writing we have been writing directions to help us navigate around the school. In Maths we have been learning length and using cm, mm and metres. Our new PE topic is hockey and we are looking forward to improving our skills. [...]
Our new topic is Vikings and we are looking forward to learning about it. In PE we have been practising our hockey skills. In Maths we have been dividing and learning our times tables with all the tables. In writing we have been learning how to write rhyming poetry.