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Glow Blogs Archive

Sumdog Homework P2

Hi everyone! We have been working so hard in numeracy these last 2 weeks on additon and using the counting on strategy. We are so proud of your efforts - Keep them up! We have popped a little challenge on your Sumdog account. You can earn coins!!! Also here is a link to play an [...]

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2020

2nd to 7th November 2020 Find our more from West Lothian Literacy Base West Lothian Literacy Service (dyslexia support) - Parent/Carer information We are committed to providing a high quality support service to meet the needs of West Lothian learners with specific learning difficulties/dyslexia. Our service will work effectively with ... Go to this Sway

Keeping Us Safe!

Latest information regards Scottish Government updates has been emailed to all families, see link below 2020.10.30 Uphall PS - COVID Update Please remember, in line with Government guidance, face coverings should be worn by parents and other visitors to the school site (whether entering the building or otherwise), including parents at drop-off and pick up.

School Hoodies

School hoodies are now available to purchase through our school supplier. Please visit the link below for further details:

Football Opportunities

Check out these great football opportunities!

Maths Homework Challenge!

Hello P2 I have created a maths challenge for you to do on SUMDOG! The challenge is available from Monday 5th October 3pm till Sunday 11th October 6pm Good Luck! Ill send a reminder of passwords home on Monday 5th October. Miss Anderson and Mrs BP

P5H Maths Week and More!

This week was Maths Week Scotland and P5H took their learning outdoors. We used sticks to create different 2D shapes then we had a challenge to create a picture using as many different shapes as we could. P5H also created their own bookmarks to use with their guided reading books. Unfortunately, these need to stay [...]

Autumn is here!

Dear Parent's & Carers The children have noticed a change in the weather and that the leaves are falling off the trees. We will be exploring the world around us during autumn by providing lots of fun activities to allow the children to engage and develop. A home link activity that you could do at [...]

Home Learning for P2 in P2/1

Hello, Today all the children were given a jotter with a homework grid, maths week Scotland challenge and their Sumdog logins. The jotter is to keep at home and can be used for completing the activities in, practicing letter formation, writing and commons words. I will also attach the grid and challenge to this post. [...]

Home Learning for all P1 Children.

Hello Everyone, Firstly Mrs McKay and I would like to say well done to all of our P1s for how well they have settled in to school We are very proud of you all. Today the children were all given a red homework jotter, inside the jotter is a homework task grid, a maths week [...]

NHS Public Health guidance for parents and carers

Please click on the link below for the latest good practice guidance from the NHS. Your child will have brought this letter home today. 2020 08 29 - Letter to parents and carers from NHS Lothian Public Health (1)

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