Glow Blogs Archive
P1 Home Learning 3rd June
Good morning, we hope everyone is well. How strange was it to see the rain yesterday? I have enjoyed the sunshine but I know that the plants and grass were desperate for a good drink. That could could be something you look out for in your scavenger hunt. Here are your activities for today. Please also [...]
P1 Transition Update - Learning Programmes
At Uphall Primary School we use a range of learning programmes to support children as they learn new skills. Literacy and Language We use the Vowel House and Colourful Consonant approach when learning phonics. This approach links colour, actions and shapes to help children learn new sounds and blend them together to read words. We [...]
PE - P3/2
In this Super Mario workout you have 10 seconds to choose which of the 2 options is the safest against a particular enemy. Step to either side of the room or area to show your choice. You get 1 point for every correct (safest) answer! Let me know your score.
P2/3 Wednesday 3rd June 2020 - Literacy - responding to music
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 Literacy - responding to music Good morning, P2/3. I hope you had a lovely sunny weekend and you are enjoying MUSIC WEEK. Reading/Writing: L.I: To write expressively about a piece of music Today in literacy, I would like you to listen to a piece of music then think, discuss and write [...]
P2/3 Emotion Works For this week.
Here is this weeks cog. Enjoy! Emotion Works week two P123
Tuesday 2nd June P3 Home Learning
This week's theme is MUSIC! Literacy: L.I. To edit and improve a piece of writing Read this piece of writing- can you be like a teacher and spot the missing capital letters and full stops? Rewrite it with your corrections! hamish macCunn was a famous classical composer his opera was called diarmid he had a genuine love [...]
Transition to Primary 1
Hello Everyone! I hope that you are all well and ready for our transition activities for this week. Transition to Primary 1 Welcome to week four of our transition activities Go to this Sway
P2/3 Tuesday 2nd June
Good Morning! I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's tasks. I was very impressed with 8 people in our class who were on Sumdog last week. It was great to see the effort you went to on the challenge. I have allocated an extra 50 coins to those people so check your account to see if [...]
P1 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd June
Good morning, here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy Your common words for today But, not, what, all, were alphabet song Numeracy Please click on the link below for the second part of 3D shapes. 3D shape part 2 Afternoon Mrs Grenfell [...]
P2-Tuesday 2nd June
Good Morning P2 Here is today's tasks! Phonics Phonics Session 2 magic e with a Tuesday 2nd June Maths- Fractions Fraction Pizza Afternoon work: This week we will be working towards joining in the 'Door step Samba Challenge' on Thursday evening. You can find all the details here Today I would like you to [...]