Glow Blogs Archive

Friday 19th June- P3 Home Learning

SEE YOU AT SCHOOL AT 10.15-11.15 TO COLLECT YOUR END OF YEAR REPORT! Emotion Works: Emotion Works week four P123 Blank-Fortune-Teller - Copy Maths/Numeracy: Go on Sumdog You need time to set up your dinner party! Remember to ... Set the table Polish the cutlery Put out your name places Display your menu Prepare the [...]

Pupil Annual Reports

Good morning. Wee reminder, reports can be collected from school at allocated times tomorrow morning: 9.00-10.00 - Primary 6 - enter via back playground 9.00-10.00 - Primary 5 - enter via front playground, main entrance 10.15-11.15 - Primary 4 - enter via back playground 10.15-11.15 - Primary 3 - enter via front playground, main entrance [...]

Thursday 18th June-P3 Home Learning

Literacy L.I. To write place names for your dinner party Write family place names. Add a nice little note for them inside. Maths/Numeracy L.I. To measure capacity and read different scales We will continue our learning about capacity (from yesterday) by playing this fun game! Choose your own level of challenge! Spelling/phonics/Reading: Complete one [...]

P2- Thursday 18th June

Good Morning P2 The focus this week is a dinner party! With adult permission you will be hosting your own dinner party for your family on Friday! Remember this doesn't have to be fancy! You could make everyone beans on toast if you wanted! Remember to ask an adult's permission to do anything in the [...]

P1 Home Learning Thursday 18th of June

Morning P1, we hope you are all well and have been enjoying your activities this week. Today we have another esti-mystery for you to complete. Task: Esti-Mystery-51.108-Two-of-Hearts Recording Sheet: mystery-number-recording-sheet-for-P1 Have a lovely day and once again thank you so much for all of your hard work. You are all *superstars* Miss Mackay and Mrs [...]

P2/3 Thursday 18th June 2020 - Summer grid

Good morning! Miss Anderson and I have loved learning about all the parties being planned. One being a very special birthday party - happy birthday to you! Today is thoughtful Thursday and we are asking you to find ways to measure a 2m distance so you can stay safe at your party. What objects will [...]

P2 and P2/3 Extra Phonics Support

Thursday 18th June 2020 18-06-20 Phonics Grid Please choose an activity from the phonics grid. Mrs Grenfell

P1 (P1L and P1S) Activities

Thursday 18th June Please choose another activity from the activity grid. It is lovely to see your fantastic work. I will post some of it on the blog in the next few days. 16-06-20 P1 Activity Grid Mrs Grenfell

Wednesday 17th June- P3 Home Learning

The focus this week is a dinner party! With adult permission you will be hosting your own dinner party for your family on Friday! Remember this doesn't have to be fancy! You could make everyone beans on toast if you wanted! Remember to ask an adult's permission to do anything in the kitchen and be [...]

P1-Wednesday 17th June

Good morning to you all, we have seen some super work from the tasks you have been set this week, thank you for sending so many special videos too-your buddies will love them. We have been in school this week, preparing the classrooms for August and getting ready for Friday when we will be [...]

P2- Wednesday 17th June

Good Morning P2, The focus this week is a dinner party! With adult permission you will be hosting your own dinner party for your family on Friday! Literacy L.I. To write invitations to your dinner party Write your family invitations to your dinner party in your neatest, cursive handwriting! Remember to include when and where [...]

P2/3 Wednesday 17th June 2020 - Summer Grid

Good morning P2/3! Hope you are well and enjoying your week with the Summer week closer to the holidays! Miss Anderson and I are in school this week and it's making us miss you even more. Please know we are thinking of you all and look forward to seeing some of you if you're [...]

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