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In Topic we have been learning about natural disasters for eg tornadoes and hurricanes. In Maths we have been learning about money and practised our adding skills with this. We have been practising cursive handwriting. In Literacy we have writing recount style writing. Lastly, we have been playing netball in PE. Written by the Pupil [...]


In Maths we are learning about equivalent fractions and you made fraction walls to help us. In Topic we have started learning about Japan and competed map work where we named the cities. We learn new spelling patterns every week. Written by the Pupil Digital Leadership group


This week we have been learning the days of the week in French. In Maths we are learning about negative numbers and used double sided counters. Last week we learned how to calculate percentages. We wrote reports all about India and are making fact files. We have been learning different spelling patterns and used 'fancy [...]


In topic we are doing the Highland Clearances and have learned about Patrick Sellar. We have been weaving with cardboard looms and plastic needles and yarn. We have been writing letters. We have learning different spelling patterns. In reading we have separate groups and in PE we have been playing games. In Numeracy we have [...]


In Maths we have been doing chimney sums with adding. We have also been using adding to help us take away. In Topic we have been learning about wants and needs. In PE we have been doing benchball and tag rugby. We have been doing narrative writing. Written by the Pupil Digital Leadership Group


We have been learning how to run a business for the Christmas Fayre. In our numeracy lessons we have been learning about money. For PE we have been playing net ball and learning the rules of the sport. The class has had a discussion about making sports more inclusive. Written by pupil digital leadership group,


In topic we have been learning about the Highland Clearances. In Maths we are doing measure for example measuring height. In writing we are focusing on procedures and we are also learning new spelling patterns. In reading we have separate groups. For PE we are learning Scottish dancing. Finally, in Numeracy we are working on [...]


We are learning about Wants versus Needs in topic. In writing we are learning about story writing. In Maths we are learning about money and in numeracy we are learning about the compensation strategies/Number Talks. (Written by the Pupil Digital Leadership Group)


In Numeracy this week we have been learning how to add fractions. We have also been learning the adding up strategy in Number Talks. We have been learning about firework safety. Our topic is India and we created rangoli patterns this week after learning about the Diwali festival. Written by the pupil digital leadership group.


We have been learning about Scottish landscapes in our topic. In writing we have been learning about sentence starters and sentence endings. For health and well being we have learned about the firework safety. We have been counting in French and also learning basketball during PE lessons. Written by the pupil digital leadership group


Please find below information from Police Scotland regarding bonfire night. Fireworks Letter for Schools (click to open letter)


12.3.24 The children were up bright and early ready for the fun activities to begin! Delicious cereal and toast for breakfast before heading out for activities. Today they took part in Leap of Faith (high ropes) Pizza box (high ropes) Challenge Course and Archery Lots of fun was had and personal targets met! They have [...]

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