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Glow Blogs Archive

P6S Noun Hunt

Last week P6S enjoyed participating in an outdoor noun hunt. They worked with a partner to identify nouns in the playground. They were then able to sort the nouns into proper or common nouns and ensure all proper nouns started with a capital letter. Well done P6!

P6H - Outdoor PE

P6 had fun in the sun yesterday trying out some golf. Possible Solheim and Ryder Cup players for the future!

New P1 Thinglink

Good day! We have created this Thinglink that is a one stop shop for links you will find useful for your children starting P1. We hope you find it useful!

P1 2021/2022 Transition Update - Learning Programmes

In the 2020/2021 session, staggered start and finish times were implemented due to COVID-19 measures. We are awaiting guidance on any changes to these and any impact on times for pupils starting or returning on 17th August 2021. We aim to inform parents/carers as soon as we have more information. Procedures: In the morning we [...]

Sports Day Activities

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to have our traditional whole school sports day or invite parents/carers to spectate. Luckily, we lovely weather this week so Sports Day activities will take place during the class PE slots. Scores will be collated for each house and the overall winner will be announced next week [...]

P6H Bikeability

P6H class ready for today's bikeability lesson before the rain started!

P6H Fractions

Today we were learning about equivalent fractions and created fraction walls to help us.

P1 2020/2021 Transition Update - Things you can do at home to support your child

Here are some ideas of things you can do with your child to help them develop literacy, numeracy and independent skills as they get ready to move into Primary One. Play "I spy" but spell out the word instead of just saying a letter e.g. p-e-n and see if your child can slide the sounds [...]

P1 2021/2022 Transition Update - What do you need when you start school?

When your child starts school they will need items to support their learning and when participating in indoor and outdoor PE lessons. Below is a list of items your child will need for starting school. All clothing and equipment should be clearly labelled with your child's name. Please make sure that your child's name is [...]

Elvis Kids Study

Parents and Carers P1-P3 Please see attached flyer regarding the Elvis Kids Study. Contact details are provided if you would like to participate. ELVIS flyerposter alternative v1 12 02 2019

P1 2021/2022 Transition Update - School Uniform

At Uphall Primary School we expect pupils to follow our dress code by wearing school uniform. All items can be purchased through the BE WEAR website with the exception of tartan items which can be purchased through the school office - please contact via email. a purple or white polo shirt a purple sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan (P1-P6) a [...]

Elvis Kids Study

Parents and Carers P1-P3 Please see attached flyer regarding the Elvis Kids Study. Contact details are provided if you would like to participate. ELVIS flyerposter alternative v1 12 02 2019

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