Glow Blogs Archive
Primary 5G Zones of Regulation
In Primary 5G we have been learning about the Zones of Regulation, and how different events and situations make us feel. Lots of us feel blue on a Monday morning, and that's okay. Here are some examples that the class came up with.
Primary 5G Den Building
Great teamwork and creativity in evidence this afternoon as P5G went out den building in the sunshine!
P6H - Outdoor Maths
Today we worked in pairs to create negative number lines in the playground using chalk. We created some questions for our partner to answer and used our number lines to help us with calculating the answer.
P6H - Pi Day
To celebrate Pi day on Monday we created some lovely pieces of artwork. We made a graph of the Pi number to create a city skyline then painted our backgrounds using different colours. We finished them off by adding the Pi symbol into the sky.
P6H - Science Week
Today we were working in groups and working on different projects which tie in with the theme 'Growth' for British Science week. One group designed an experiment to answer the question Do upside down beans grow? One group started making a garden in a jar which also links with their procedure reading and writing. The [...]
P4 Art
selecting different techniques to create blossom pictures
P6H - Winter Olympics
We finished our winter Olympic display with our cool snow boarders
P6H - Penguins on Ice
We created cute little penguins sitting on icebergs in the sea.
Active Schools February Blog
Active Schools February Blog As Covid continues to disrupt after school activities the Broxburn Cluster Active Schools Team, Ross and Libby, offered all the cluster schools team building sessions. Every single school took up the offer for their primary 6 pupils. Ross and Libby delivered a variety of team building games which are designed to [...]
P6H Spelling
This week we made flash cards to practise our spelling words.
Broxburn United Sports Club
Please see attached information regarding the various coaching opportunities from Broxburn United this term.
Primary 6S Party
Some photographs from this morning's fun. The children enjoyed pass the parcel, pin the nose on Rudolph, musical chairs and musical bumps, some photo props and a treat to eat. They also enjoyed looking at some photos of themselves when they were in Primary 1!