Glow Blogs Archive
NHS Guidance for Parents and Carers
Please click on the link below for the latest good practice guidance from the NHS. Your child will have brought this letter home today. parents and carers letter good practice schools
Water Bottles
Just a reminder that the water fountains are not in use until further notice. We encourage all pupils to bring in their own bottle of fresh water, and are welcome to bring in an additional bottle if needed.
PE Timetable
Please see below the PE timetable for each class. Remember to wear warm clothes and sensible shoes as PE will take place outside.
P7W should come to school in comfortable PE kit and suitable footwear on Mondays and Thursdays. Their PE slots are on a Monday after lunchtime and a Thursday morning after breaktime. Both sessions are outdoors. Thank you, Mr Wood!
PE Days Information
Good Afternoon everyone! We have had a busy week so far and are getting in the swing of the new routines in school. We are delighted with how well the pupils are working hard and following all our new procedures. As you know the pupils will receive PE 2 days a week and our class [...]
School Update!
Please click on the link below for further information regards plans for next week - staggered arrival and pick up details, Test and Protect information and staff updates. 2020.08.13 School Update Letter Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition time. Have a good weekend, Catriona
Primary 3 PE
Message from Mr Drysdale: P3 will have their PE days on Monday and Wednesday. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kits. Please make sure they are wearing warm clothes and suitable footwear as they will be outside for PE. Thank you!
Uphall Early Learning Centre Staff Update
Dear Parent/Carer It has been a delight to meet all our new children and also to see all our children returning from last term. I would like to thank you all for your extra input dropping the children off and picking them up, it is greatly appreciated. This is not a normal settling in time [...]
P2/1 Home Learning Activities Thursday 13th Aug
Good morning P2, I hope that you all enjoyed your first day back at school, I know that I really enjoyed seeing all your smiling faces back in class. I'm very much looking forward to welcoming you back again on Friday. I am attaching 3 short activities that I would like you to look at [...]
Primary 5H Home Learning 12/8/20
Good morning Primary 5! I am so looking forward to meeting you all in person tomorrow. Today, I've set you some home learning tasks. You can access these on Teams or through the link here: 12.08.20 P5 See you tomorrow! Mrs Hare
Primary 5G Home Learning 12 August
Get to know me backpack Good Morning to our new Primary 5G class. I have uploaded a getting to know you activity in the files section. You can either use the template or draw your own backpack. Page 3 of the powerpoint gives you an example of the different things you can include. You can [...]
Return to School Information
Please click on the link below for details on our return to school! We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone next week. 2020.08.04 Return to School Newsletter