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Wednesday 27th May P3 Home Learning

Literacy L.I. To write your first draft. Today I'd like you to write your first draft of your travel story where you will pretend to visit your dream location. In this story I would like you to add some basic phrases (e.g. French or Spanish) that you have learnt in your home learning. Make sure [...]

P2/3 Wednesday 27th May

Good Morning! I hope that you are enjoying languages week still. I think tomorrow we will attempt to cook a dish from another country. Mrs BP will be sharing some other tasks for you to do today so please check for her post too. Here is the links for Reading and Maths. Reading Books Fry's [...]

P2- Wednesday 27th May

Bonjour P2 Hope you have been enjoying the sunny weather. I thought, with the weather getting better, you might be able to pretend you're going on holiday. Today, I'd like you to pretend you're planning a holiday. You could use the most popular destination from your Monday/Tuesday maths lessons or you could choose a different [...]

P1 Home Learning Wednesday 27th

Good morning. Here are your activities for today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy Our new sound today is 'or'. Where is the 'or' sound made? Can you think of any words that use the 'or' sound? Does the 'or' sound come at the start, the middle or the end of these words? [...]

P2/3 Wednesday 27th May - Literacy

Wednesday 27th May 2020 Literacy - creating lists with headings Buenos dias, P2/3! This is our TT for week 8: I hope you are managing to enjoy the sunny weather. Hopefully you've revised or learned some new French words/phrases and some new Spanish words/phrases. We thought, with the weather getting better, you might be [...]

P3 - PE

Avengers Warm Up - Joe Wicks PE -

P1 Transition - Things you can do at home to support your child

Along with the information from the ELC that is being posted weekly there are some other things you can do with your child to help them develop literacy, numeracy and independent skills as they get ready to move into Primary One. Play "Ispy" but spell out the word instead of just saying a letter e.g [...]

P1 (P1L and P1S) - P.E

Wednesday 27th May 2020 Good morning Here are some P.E activities to choose from: Joe Wicks (30-40 mins approx.) - YouTube Cosmic Kids Yoga (20 mins) - Go noodle - activity (2-3mins) Mrs Grenfell

P2 and P2/3 - Extra Phonics Support

Wednesday 27th May 2020 I can read three-letter words with the "e" sound in them. Read the following words Draw a picture to go with them Try writing them men set pet end pen fed bed hem ten let neck peck Mrs Grenfell

Tuesday 26th May P3 Home Learning

Literacy By the end of this week I'd like you to produce a mini-travel story about you pretending to visit your dream location. In this story I would like you to add some basic phrases (e.g. French or Spanish) that you have learnt in your home learning. Here is my example (WAGOLL): Dashing around her [...]

P2- Tuesday 26th May

Buenos Dias P2, Reading I have set up an online account for you all to read books and do comprehension tasks on. I have attached the information of how to set up and access it and also attached the Fry's Words challenge for you again. Reading-Books Fry's Words 1000 Phonics oy Phonics Session 2 oy [...]

P2/3 Tuesday 26th May

Good Morning! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying languages week. I have been checking up on Sumdog to see how you are getting on. Its great to see the effort some of you are putting in. I wonder if how many of you will get the 100 coins on Friday??? I [...]

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