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P2 and P2/3 Extra Phonics Support - " o " sound

02-06-20 P2-3 Phonics o sound I can recognise the "o" sound. I can read words containing the "o" sound. Good morning. I hope you are all well. Click on the link to access activities on the "o" sound. There will be another activity posted tomorrow and a game on Thursday. Mrs Grenfell

P1 (P1L and P1S) Art

Tuesday 2nd June 2020 I hope you have managed to enjoy the sunny weather. Your task it to design a pair of flip flops or sandals you would wear in the sun. Click on the link to see some examples. Enjoy and remember to send in your work to the office email account. 02-06-20 P1 [...]

P2/3 Monday 1st June

Good Morning! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine. Maybe you had some social distance meetings with family? If you did I hope you had fun! This week we have a very special Music activity to take part in. As you know we clap for the NHS and key workers [...]

P2- Monday 1st June

Good Morning Everyone! Hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. This week's theme is MUSIC! This week we will be working towards joining in the 'Door step Samba Challenge' on Thursday evening. You can find all the details here Today I would like you to make your own drum and practise playing one of [...]

P1 virtual classroom

Virtual Classroom for P1 week commencing 1 June Good morning to you all, there are some more activities and games for you to explore this week-have fun! Mrs McKay and Miss Mackay

P1 Home Learning 1st of June

Good morning P1, can you believe it we have made it to the start of June! Well done for all of your hard work, we are so proud of you. Here are your activities for today.  Please also see plan for more details.  Home Learning Grid June 1st Literacy  Our new sound today is 'ng'.  Where is the 'ng' sound made?  Can [...]

Monday 1st June P3 Home Learning

This week's theme is MUSIC! Literacy: L.I. To write expressively about a piece of music Listen to a piece a music by the famous Scottish Celtic band 'Runrig' (search on 'You Tube' with an adult). Consider how the piece of music makes you feel and the instruments you can hear within it. Does the piece [...]

PE - P3

Hi p3. Here is some PE for today. Make sure to get some fresh air as well in this beautiful weather.

Early Years Activities Monday 2nd June

Good Morning and hope you are all keeping well and safe. Here are some activities you could try at home this week. Here are a few exercises you could try. Remember it is good to exercise to keep healthy and these can be done at home. Song of the week: 5 Currant Buns You [...]

P3 Home Learning Friday 29th May REUPLOADED

I HAVE HEARD THERE ANY SOME PROBLEMS WITH THE LINKS SO I HAVE RELOADED THIS, HOPEFULLY THE LINKS WORK NOW. PLEASE TELL ME IF THERE IS STILL A PROBLEM. Good morning! Remember we have assembly at 10 o'clock today! This is on 'Teams' which you do not have access to yet but if you have [...]

Virtual assembly information for P1-3

Good morning to you all, we are having another assembly at 10am today, if you have an older sibling in P4-7 you will be able to watch it with them on TEAMS. If not then the powerpoint will be posted on the blog later for you to view.

P1 Home Learning Friday 29th

Good morning everyone and well done for another week of excellent home learning. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy Dictation (adult to read each sentence for child to spell). The dog has got a big stick. She has got a dog as [...]

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