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Glow Blogs Archive

Science - Forces

A huge well done to P6M on their effective paired or group work to create a chain reaction using forces. What is a Chain Reaction? A Chain Reaction is a sequence of little events where one object hits another object to create a reaction. We can say that the force we show one thing is [...]

Science: Electricity

P6M were very busy in Science during Term 1, working on electrical circuit activities. The pupils drew simple series circuits using the standard symbol to represent their knowledge of the components. They were drawing upon on their resilience and problem solving skills to make changes to the circuits when the components did not work. They [...]


The P7 class took part in their second live lesson with Microbit Scotland to code virtual flickering candles. A great use of problem solving skills.

Primary 6 Descriptive Writing

Primary 6 wrote excellent descriptions using only a picture as their stimulus. They had to decide what the boy in the window was looking at, and what his thoughts might be. We started off the lesson with a drawing activity and some vocabulary building.

Guess the Fairy Tale!

The boys worked very hard with Mrs Waugh today. They watched a short film and had to re-tell the story without any words! The success criteria was for someone to figure out the story and the correct order. Can you guess what the story is?

Literacy in the Calm Corner

Handwriting can be relaxing or it can be something that children find challenging. The boys were very confused this morning when our handwriting had no pens or pencils - instead we practised getting our hands ready for writing, with sand, playdough and paper scrunching and tearing. The boys also got to write in big letters [...]


A fun cookery class for P6 and P7 pupils where you will learn how to make some of your favourite foods and take home tasty treats. The course will run for 6 weeks and as well as learning some basic cooking and baking skills, you will learn about kitchen safety/ healthy meals and snacks. Learn [...]

P6 and P7 Maths Week Scotland

Today the primary 6 and 7 classes had 3 visitors from the KPMG company for Maths Week Scotland. The children took part in a budgeting task and also had the opportunity to learn how Maths is used in the workplace.

Speech & Language Therapy Advice Phone Line

Do you have concerns or would like more advice on your child's listening and talking? Attached below are two posters from the Speech & Language Therapy Advice Phone Line with information on how to speak with their service. Older Child Helpline Poster (P3 or above) (launching 9th September 2022) Early Years Helpline Poster (child under [...]

P6 Bikeability

Congratulations to the children in P6 that have passed level 1 bikeability. Safe cycling everyone!

The Girls' Brigade

Please see below information from The Girls' Brigade. The Girls' Brigade South Church Hall, Uphall, every Monday Starting on Monday the 5th of September at 6:30 pm Come and join us!

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