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11.3.24 The children were excited to arrive at Lendrick Muir this morning. They firstly had lots of fun singing on the bus as they made their way from school. On arrival they had a tour of the site, allocated activity groups and played a wide game called Octoball! It was soon lunch time and on [...]
A huge well done to three of our P7 pupils for achieving a bronze level award for the Scottish Maths Challenge. They attended an award ceremony today at Edinburgh Napier University where they received their certificate.
Primary 6B were learning about screen printing and how to create multiple copies of the same image. First, they had to create a template and then use the screen and paint to create the screen printed copy.
On Tuesday 14th May both Primary 5 classes went to the Science Centre in Glasgow. This term we will be developing our scientific understanding of Changing Materials and The Water Cycle so the Science Centre seemed like the perfect place to visit to reinforce our learning! After arriving and having a quick snack, we went [...]
P2B have been learning to use words for different parts of the body using games, songs and activities.
Today in class we were learning about the way teeth are categorised at the dentist. Adult teeth are numbered and milk teeth are given letters. We used dentist mirrors to examine our teeth.
This term P6H has been learning how to programme using Scratch. We are currently making chase games to play with scoring.
Today we celebrated World Book Day by coming to school dressed as an emotion or in our pyjamas and onesies. As the theme of World Book Day this year was 'Share a Story' we were invited to bring in our favourite book to share it with the class. Below is a picture of some of [...]
Lots of learning of Literacy and Numeracy this morning. All in the course of making pancakes! We had to weigh, divide, read instructions and describe the taste of the pancakes. All without setting off the smoke alarm! Here we are enjoying our treats.
This week in P5H we are learning about the properties of 3D Shapes. We can describe 3D Shapes by the shape of their faces and by the number of faces, edges and vertices they have. Today we were exploring nets of 3D Shapes. We really enjoyed building 3D Shapes from their nets. Here we are [...]
Today P6H were learning how the digestive system works. They tracked the journey that beans on toast would take through the digestive system and are now able to name all the main body parts that are involved.