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P6B Afternoon

Daily Challenge
Every day will now include a daily fun challenge for the remainder of the term.  Today, Wednesday 22nd April, is Earth Day.  Your challenge is to spend at least one hour using no electricity.

Health and Wellbeing. 
Download or print the Covid-19 Time Capsule document.  Complete the activities by the end of the week.  Though these are challenging times, it is important that we do not forget how we arose to the challenge in such pressing circumstances.  It is more important than ever to think about how we can maintain a growth mindset to overcome adversity.

Science Covid-19time-capsule
Head to BBCBITESIZE DAILY for an interactive science lesson on the solar system.  You can also access by pressing the red button your TV remote at home.   The tasks include ordering the planets, a quiz and a worksheet you can print for free.

Submit your work in your folder or in the comments below this thread.  

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