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P2/3 Literacy 30th April - instructions (part 2 of 3)

Thursday 30th April 2020 – writing instructions

Good morning!  Not such nice weather today.  The perfect opportunity to stay in, make healthy snacks and do a bit of writing.  Thank you so much to those of you who posted or e-mailed your fruit kebab pictures to myself and Miss Anderson.  We love seeing your home learning photos.  Well done!

Today, I would like you to write your own instructions for the fruit kebab you made (or whatever creation you made).  You could draw each step, write down each step or draw and write each step.  You could even tell someone else how to make your fruit kebab. You can write in your jotter or on a piece of paper.

How can you make your instructions different to the ones we used yesterday?  Perhaps you used different fruits and in a different order.  Perhaps you can think of different bossy words?  If possible, please comment on the blog to let me know how you get on, tweet pictures of your work to Twitter or e-mail pictures to the school e-mail address.

I’ll also be on Twitter today.  Any questions, please just ask!  Thank you!

Love, Mrs BP x


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