Primary 1 learning activities-Monday 11th May
Good morning, we hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. Our activities for you this week are slightly different. We would like you to spend this week working on a personal project to help you find out more about people who help us. Mrs McKay knows from past experience just how heavy the fire fighters uniform is!
It would be great if you could share your learning with us by Friday, we look forward to seeing what you create.
Continue to investigate capacity and volume in maths:
estimating volume and capacity
PE-Try to get outside if you can or use one of our suggested sites. This term we would be preparing for sports day, trying to build up your fitness and stamina. We would also be helping you learn to skip. If you have a skipping rope see how many times you can skip without the rope catching on your body. You might find it tricky but keep trying. Let us know what your best score is by commenting on the blog.
Miss Mackay-are you up for a skipping challenge?!