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P2/3 Monday 11th May

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the sun.

This week is Art week and we will be working towards our own Art Gallery opening on Friday! Even Aria and I will be displaying our art and giving you a wee look at it!

There are 2 grids for Art tasks to complete throughout the week. One for P2 pupils and one for P3 pupils.  However please feel free P2 do do the tasks on the P3 grid if you’d like to do them instead.




First-Level-Art-Skills (1)

Here are today’s Phonics session tasks.  I have also included a powerpoint of the Fry’s words as I know many of you have been practising still. Keep up the super work!

Phonics-Session ow as in ou sound session 1

Fry’s Words 1000

Numeracy for today is focusing on Shape! Check it out!

Shape hunt sheet 2D

Please let us know how you have got on with today’s tasks on the blog or email the school.

We look forward to learning more about Artist and seeing your Art this week.


Miss Anderson and Mrs BP

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