Tuesday 12th May P3 Home Learning
A quick reminder that this is Art week and we are working towards creating your own at home Art gallery!
- Complete one activity from the Reading/ Phonics carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel
- Literacy- I. To research your chosen artist
Chose an artist whose work you like and do some online research about them. You can chose whoever you’d like! Remember you should only be looking on the internet with an adult and use Kids Rex as your search engine because this is safer https://www.alarms.org/kidrex/
Write notes about your chosen artist under sub-headings- you might want to use the ones from the WAGOLL ‘About’, ‘Career’, ‘Famous Work’. Or you can make up your own sub-titles. Remember to group similar information as you will be writing this up into paragraphs. Collect enough notes for at least 2-3 paragraphs of writing.
3. Maths- lots of Art Work uses symmetry. Remember symmetry means a mirror reflection.
L.I. To find lines of symmetry
Can you spot the symmetry in these pieces of Art? How many lines of symmetry can you see?
Task: complete the symmetrical patterns here: t-n-1281-symmetry-activity-sheet-_ver_3
Or find the lines of symmetry in these shapes: t2-m-935-investigating-lines-of-symmetry-activity-sheet-_ver_3 (1)
Or if you can’t print these out you could draw them out and then complete.
OR look around your house and outside for examples of symmetry (there are LOADS- especially in nature)- draw a picture of them in your jotter and identify the lines of symmetry!
Afternoon Activity: Try to copy a famous piece of Art work from your chosen artist.