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Thursday 28th May P3 Home Learning

Good Morning! Today we will be carrying on our languages theme!


L.I. To edit and improve my first draft.

Today you will be editing and improving your mini travel story. Here are some things to check…

  • Have you included some words or phrases from a different language (e.g. French or Spanish)?
  • Do your spellings look right? If not, use a dictionary to check and correct them.
  • Have you included some direct speech (e.g. speech marks). If not, add some!
  • Have you remembered to follow all the rules of direct speech? ” at the start? ” at the end?Capital letter at the start? Punctuation at the end? New speaker=new line?
  • Have you included some different words for ‘said’?
  • Have you used some different sentence starters?

-2. Maths: Venn diagrams- click here…Venn

3. Spelling/Reading/Phonics- complete one activity from the carousel-Spelling phonicsreading carousel

4. Complete one activity from the French or Spanish challenge sheet!


the_great_spanish_language_challenge (1)


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