P2/3 Friday 29th May 2020: Literacy - Holiday story and Maths - Problem Solving
Friday 29th May 2020
Literacy – Reading and writing a holiday story with speech bubbles.
Bonjour and Merci to everyone who worked out my dream destination is Spain and answered all of the data handling questions correctly. Well done to those of you who read the postcard from Spain from us teachers and those of you who wrote your own postcard. We enjoyed reading them and were muy impressanto!
Today we are going to read a story with speech bubbles and some French phrases. Then we are going to continue the story or write our own story using speech bubbles and French/Spanish phrases (or you can write in another language of your choice).
Speech bubble French story Friday
Maths – Problem Solving:
If you haven’t already had a look at the Emotion Works Words this week, why not have a chat about them with someone at home. We’d love to see your Emotion Words and pictures.
If you are growing a sunflower at home (or any other plant), send in your measurements. Let’s see who can grow the tallest sunflower….
There is a quick eform for this week to complete:
Any questions, please just ask.
Stay safe in the sun and have a lovely weekend, Mrs BP x