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Tuesday 2nd June P3 Home Learning

This week’s theme is MUSIC!

Literacy: L.I. To edit and improve a piece of writing

Read this piece of writing- can you be like a teacher and spot the missing capital letters and full stops? Rewrite it with your corrections!

hamish macCunn was a famous classical composer his opera was called diarmid he had a genuine love of Scottish folksong, and although he lived in london he was a lifelong champion of Scottish music and of the country’s musical life he was born in Greenock and was the son of a shipowner his first successful piece of music was called ‘The Land of the Mountain and the Flood’.

Why not listen to some of his famous work?

Maths: Finding a fraction of a picture, watch this and complete this work:Pizza Fractions Worksheet

Musical Maths: Try this fun Musical Maths challenge! Click here: Musical Maths!

Spelling/ Reading/ Phonics: complete one activity from the carousel, click here:Spelling phonicsreading carousel


Afternoon work: This week we will be working towards joining in the ‘Door step Samba Challenge’ on Thursday evening. You can find all the details here Today I would like you to make your own Guiro and practise playing one of the samba rhythms on your Guiro!

*Please note that this week I am working in one of the school hubs and will be unable to comment on the blog throughout the day. I will still enjoy seeing pictures of your work on Twitter though! J




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