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Friday 12th June P3 Home Learning

GOOD MORNING! Remember it is assembly at 9.15 this morning on ‘Teams’ if you have an older sibling who is using it.


L.I. To edit and improve your Biography.

Check your writing from yesterday…do you have?

  • Capital letters at the start of sentences?
  • Capital letters for names of people and places?
  • Full Stops at the end of sentences?
  • A title?
  • A picture (perhaps drawn or on the computer)?
  • Have you written in 3rd person- using he/she or their names?
  • Have you written in paragraphs?

If not, edit and improve it!

I’d love to see a picture of what you have been doing on Twitter.


Football and learning how to tell the time!? What could be better!? Watch this video clip!

(No I do not expect you to have 12 bins and play this game ! Ha ha! But maybe you could invent a modified version?!)

Now try comparing some time durations and complete the following activity:FRIDAY MATHS

Play this game

The ‘Mild’ option is game number 1

The ‘Spicy’ option is game number 2

And ‘Hot’ is game number 3 and 4


Afternoon Activity: Choose and complete one activity from the grid.The olympics choice board

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