Wednesday 24th June-P3 Home Learning
Good morning everyone! Today, we will be carrying on with our theme of ‘Transitions’
Literacy : L.I. To edit and improve my letter.
Remember you will be handing this letter to your new teacher- so they get to know a bit about you. You want to impress them! So I’d like you to check…
- Is it written in paragraphs? If not, use this sign / to show where you should have started a new paragraph.
- Have you remembered all of your punctuation?
- Do you have capital letters at the start of sentences and for names?
- Is it descriptive? Have you used lots of exciting descriptive words? If not, put some in!
Maths/ Numeracy: t-n-2545196-differentiated-crack-the-code-summer-activity-sheets
Afternoon activities: