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Primary 6S Learning

We have had another busy week of learning in Primary 6S. Here are some of the highlights to share with you, and some news for next week.


We have been learning how to write an exposition text, which is a one sided argument. The children had to persuade me (The Grinch!) to have a Christmas tree in the class! A series of arguments were created and shared. Let’s see next week if they have persuaded me. Some of the children are sharing their learning using Clicker as a writing tool – this allows for spell checking, pictures to be put in, and self assessment of writing through listening back. Here is an example.

We joined in the Reading Challenge Authors Live with Rob Biddulph and all drew a Christmas sausage dog while practising our listening skills. For Free Writing Friday, the advent calendar activity was writing either a Christmas or festive tale.

Our shared text has been “Friend or Foe” by Michael Morpurgo. We have linked this to our emotional literacy by considering what we would do if we were Tucky and Davey. The children showed some really thoughtful responses to the boys’ dilemma of what to do about the German airmen.


We have been learning about time and perimeter this week, including consolidation of reading digital and analogue time, and duration of time. We have also been using maths daily calendars to carry out a variety of different numeracy and maths activities.


The children have continued with their research into Victorian life. We learned about Victorian inventions and enjoyed a Kahoot quiz about this. With Mrs Sutton, the children learned about the legend of St Nicholas. We completed our winter art pictures and they are on display in the learning area outside of the classroom.


Christmas lunch and jumper day – Wednesday; Christmas Party day – Friday; Christmas raffle – a winner each day.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Sutherland and P6S

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