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P2- Friday 29th May

Feliz Viernes P2 (Happy Friday) School Assembly will be at 10am today. If you have an older sibling in P4-7 you will be able to watch with them through TEAMS. Well done to everyone who worked out my dream destination is France! Today we are going to read a story with speech bubbles and some [...]

Friday 29th May P3 Home Learning

Good morning! Remember we have assembly at 10 o'clock today! This is on 'Teams' which you do not have access to yet but if you have an older sibling you can watch it with them. Otherwise, the slides will be uploaded later on for you to look at. Literacy- L.I. To write my final draft. [...]

Whole school assembly

Good morning! Remember that on Friday's we now have a whole school assembly at 10 o'clock! Unfortunately this is on 'teams' which you do not have access to yet but if you have an older sibling you could watch it with them. If not, the assembly slides will be shared with you later on [...]

P2/3 Friday 29th May 2020: Literacy - Holiday story and Maths - Problem Solving

Friday 29th May 2020 Literacy - Reading and writing a holiday story with speech bubbles. Bonjour and Merci to everyone who worked out my dream destination is Spain and answered all of the data handling questions correctly. Well done to those of you who read the postcard from Spain from us teachers and those of [...]

P7 to S1 FAQs from Parents and Carers

Please see the FAQs and the response from calls with Broxburn Academy staff regarding the P7 to S1 transition: FAQs P7 Transition Parents and Carers If you have further questions, please ask.

P2- Thursday 28th May

Hola P2, Today we will be carrying on our languages theme! Maths- Data Handling Using your knowledge of tally marks, tables and bar/block graphs, read my dream holiday information and interpret the data (answer questions about it. Remember to write on blog which holiday destination I should book for my family and friends! Data [...]

Thursday 28th May P3 Home Learning

Good Morning! Today we will be carrying on our languages theme! 1.Literacy L.I. To edit and improve my first draft. Today you will be editing and improving your mini travel story. Here are some things to check... Have you included some words or phrases from a different language (e.g. French or Spanish)? Do your spellings [...]

P1 Home Learning Thursday 28th May.

Thursday 28th of May. Good morning everyone. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details. Literacy- Writing a set of instructions We would like you to write your own set of instructions for crossing the road safely. You should use words like first, then, next [...]

P5A Thursday 28th May 2020

Cairngorms cloze reading Thursday 28th May Good morning P5A! Two documents today, the plan and the materials you will need for your reading cloze procedure. Please remember you don't need to print these out you can complete verbally with an adult or answers in you jotter!

P2 and P2/3 Extra Phonics Support

Thursday 28th May 2020 Here is a small activity to reinforce the sounds you have been learning recently: Scavenger Hunt - find items in the house that begin with: b h e Send some pictures to the school office of what you find. Mrs Grenfell

P1 Art - photos from home

Here are some great examples of P1 art. Well done.

P1 (P1L and P1S)

Thursday 28th May 2020 Good morning Here are some activities. I could not load the table onto the blog so you have to click on the link. The template for the dream task is below, if you need it 28-05-20 Health and Wellbeing Grid P1 28-05-20 P1 template

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