Glow Blogs Archive
The 1st Uphall Company of The Boys' Brigade
Please see below information from The Boys' Brigade. The 1st Uphall Company of Boys Brigade South Church Hall, Uphall, every Thursday Anchor Boys (P1-P2 & P3) at 6:00pm - 7:00pm (P1 boys must be 5 years old) Junior Section (P4-P5 & P6) at 6:00pm-7:00pm Company Section (P7-S3) at 7:15pm - 8:30pm Starting on Thursday 8th [...]
2022/2023 Transition Update - Things you can do at home to support your child
Here are some ideas of things you can do with your child to help them develop literacy, numeracy and independent skills as they get ready to move into Primary One. Play "I spy" but spell out the word instead of just saying a letter e.g. p-e-n and see if your child can slide the sounds [...]
P6 Community Clean Up
Today all the P6 children helped tidy up the school grounds as part of a community clean up.
Making Animals
In the small group this morning we chose Knex and built animals. We built a snake, a dinosaur, a butterfly and mousy. We used the cards for some and our imagination for others. We hope that you like our pictures and that they will give you inspiration! Mr McCabe, Mrs Sutherland and the team!
Den Building Skills
Who knew how many different skills are needed for den building? The children learn about teamwork. sharing, vocabulary building, problem solving, risk assessment, time management, listening for instructions and finding resources ...... possibly more! Teddy loves den building as he gets his own harness to swing through the trees. We hope that you enjoy these [...]
P1 2022/2023 Transition Update - School Uniform
At Uphall Primary School we expect pupils to follow our dress code by wearing school uniform. All items can be purchased through the Border Embroideries website ( with the exception of tartan items which can be purchased through the school office - please contact office via email. a purple or white polo shirt a purple sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan [...]
Scottish Fire & Rescue Service - Fire Raising and attacks
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are currently dealing with a high level of deliberate fire-raising and also attacks on staff as reported on the news yesterday. Please find attached digital flyers for children, young people and parents which highlight what the community can do to help reduce deliberate fires and who to speak to [...]
Primary 6S Rugby
The children in Primary 6S have been learning to play tag rugby this term. This week they took part in some games suggested for Scottish Rugby Schools Week. They listened to a player talking about what playing rugby means to him, and the class contributed what they know about playing any sport and what it [...]
Primary 5G Book Activity
Primary 5 developed their reading skills this week, using an unseen text. They had to recreate the cover, write what the book minded them of, choose something that was puzzling them, and finally make a prediction about the story. Have a look!